Organisers: Eduardo Jiménez-Hidalgo1 and Rosalía Guerrero-Arenas1

1 Laboratorio de Paleobiología, Universidad del Mar, Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca, México


The great significance of small mammals in fossil and extant communities is undeniable. Their functional roles in ecosystems as pollinators, dispersers, predators and preys, as well as ecosystem engineers are fundamental. They also constitute important biostratigraphic markers.

Their species richness, diversity and geographic distribution through the Cenozoic is intimately linked to the geologic history of the area where they inhabit.

In the last years, several advances in the study of small fossil mammals include the discovery of new fossiliferous outcrops, improvements on scanning and photographic techniques, morphometric and statistical analyses, and their integration on robust phylogenies.

Albeit their importance, research on small fossil mammals has different levels of development in different parts of the world. More investigations on these small treasures of biodiversity are necessary for a better understanding of their roles in past communities.

In this session, contributions concerning taxonomy, evolution, paleoecology, paleobiology, systematics, functional morphology and conservation of fossil small mammals are welcomed. We encourage contributions dealing with the best-known groups (as rodents) as well as lesser known groups (such as insectivores or bats).


Coming soon!