Unlocking the Potential of Palaeontological Collections: Challenges, Innovations, and Future Perspectives


Darja Dankina

Nature Research Centre, Vilnius, Lithuania


Agnė Venckutė-Aleksienė

Nature Research Centre, Vilnius, Lithuania



Palaeontological collections are invaluable for understanding Earth’s history, providing insights into ancient ecosystems, evolution, and extinct biodiversity. However, challenges such as fossil conservation, limited digitisation and accessibility, insufficient funding, and other barriers limit their full potential.

A new era of innovation is addressing these challenges. Technologies like CT scanning, 3D printing, and AI enable precise documentation, advanced analysis, and global access to fossil data. Collaborative platforms and digital databases foster international cooperation, while museums utilise virtual reality and interactive tools to captivate wider audiences.

In the future, these collections will play a key role in multidisciplinary studies, advancing fields such as conservation, evolutionary biology, and climate change research.

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