Palaeoart Contest

0,00  IVA incl.


For the 2nd PVC Palaeoart Contest we welcome designs on any palaeontological theme, such as fossil representations, individual reconstructions, scenes, or similar.

The prizes for the contest include:

  • For the winner, the prize will be a spiral notebook, a T-shirt and a mug with the PVC logo, and a poster print.
  • For the runner-up, the prize will be a t-shirt and a mug with the PVC logo, and a poster print
  • For the third runner-up, the prize will be a mug with the PVC logo and a poster print.
  • For the winner in each style category (fossil representation, individual reconstructions and scenes), a poster print.

All participants will receive a free registration to the PVC. All prints have been designed by Hugo Saláis from Metazoa Studio. The jury will consist of renowned palaeoartists and the organising committee of the PVC.

Participants can submit a maximum of 3 designs, which can be distributed across any category or within the same category. Images must be between 5MB and 15MB, in PDF or JPEG format, with an A3 size of 300 ppi, and saved in the sRGB color model. Please email your designs to, along with the signed contest registration form.

Important Dates:

  • Images must be submitted before March 3, 2025.
  • Judging will take place in March, 2025.
  • Winners will be selected and announced during the congress.

We are eagerly looking forward to receiving your entries!

Please, click on the links below to download the entry forms and the detailed rules of contest:

  • 5th PVC 2nd palaeoart contest form
  • 5th PVC 2nd palaeoart contest: Rules, Terms & Conditions