Organisers: Paolo Abondio1, Danijela Dimitrijević2, Niklas Hohmann2

1Dept. of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences, University of Bologna, Italy

2GeoZentrum Nordbayern, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany


Conservation paleobiology is an emerging field that applies data, concepts, and theories from diverse disciplines, including paleontology, geology, and paleoecology, with the purpose of biodiversity conservation and ecosystem management. Currently, humanity is facing grave consequences from rapid climate change, pollution, biosphere alteration, and species extinctions. However, direct ecological observations of anthropogenic impacts and environmental change rarely span more than the last few decades. To understand more fully how ecosystems have responded to multiple stressors through time we need to seek answers in the past. Geohistorical records can help overcome the temporal limitations of traditional ecological monitoring. They provide insights into ecosystem changes and biotic responses to major environmental perturbations over long timescales, thus facilitating reconstructions of past ranges of variability and supporting the theoretical foundations of future conservation efforts.

We invite contributions from paleontology and related fields including (but not limited to) archaeology, anthropology, and historical ecology. We are particularly open to submissions on the topics of near-time and deep-time perspectives on eco-evolutionary processes during episodes of rapid (natural and anthropogenic) environmental change and potential biases affecting the fossil record. In addition, we encourage submissions on collaborations with practitioners and conservation efforts that use historical data.

We hope to gather exciting and thought-provoking contributions that will stimulate discussions between scientific disciplines and practitioners around urgent questions in conservation paleobiology.

This session is supported by the Conservation Paleobiology Network (CPN)












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